Jenny Youngman

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Thursday Prayer

Lord, you made us to be fully alive in every moment--to rest fully, to work fully, to play fully--to be completely present right where we are. You made us to enjoy you and all that you have made for us. Yet, in our flowing from rest to work to play, and back to rest again, we can get stuck in tasks and distractions and fears that keep us from from the wholeness of the "fully" you intended for us. We end up sort-of resting, sort-of working, and sort-of playing. Remind us this Thursday, that we don't have to hold our breath until the weekend, we don't have to give in to meaningless distractions during the week, we don't have to be afraid of anything. We can be fully alive today--in the here and now, in the deadlines and the laundry and the dinner and the dishes and the "what are we going to do?". You are with us, alive in us, and you can do more than we can ask or imagine. You are greater in us than anything this world can throw at us. So, this Thursday, we stand tall in all our fully-aliveness, proclaiming your goodness and your faithfulness and your promise to walk with us every moment of every day. And we give you thanks, O God. Amen!